Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Is This U.S.?

The Thursday Daily Show had footage of republican James Sensenbrenner (chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee), cutting off speakers mid-sentence, when the usual practice is that people are told when they're about to be cut off and then allowed to finish their sentences. They also turned of Congressman Gerald Nadler's mike when he piped up about a rule of order, that you can not end a meeting without first calling a vote to end it. You can't just bang the gavel and go home when things get uncomfortable. Category: talking to children, and not in the good sense.

I think history books will say that the republicans mistakenly treated the close 2004 election as a mandate, and then took so much joy in gradually over-stepping the bounds of democracy, that they lost all sense of what the american people would tolerate(if they found out about it).

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