Monday, June 27, 2005

Democracy for NYC Asks Me for a Yes or No Answer

Dear ---,

Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I think it's clear that we have been
deceived about the reasons for going and the reasons for staying in Iraq.
My personal view is that any pressure we can put on our elected officials to
find an exit strategy and work to stop the killing and bring our troops
safely home is something we should do. However, Democracy for NYC is trying
to determine if we have a consensus among our members to support the
bipartisan Iraq Troop Withdrawal Resolution introduced by Rep. Walter B.
Jones, Jr.

Do you think dfnyc should support this resolution and encourage our
congressmembers to vote in favor and even add their names to the resolution?
Thank you for your help with this issue.

[I told her I was for it. For the text of the Homeward Bound Bill, type "HJ Res. 55" in the search engine at

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