When are the gloves going to come off among democrats and we finally answer the republicans' charge of irreligion?
Their policies are so glaringly the opposite of christian belief, or of any other core beliefs of the world's great religions.
Dean did it last night on the Daily Show. He's no biblical scholar but he has a good grasp of the original intent
of Christianity: "Love your neighbor, and you don't get to choose who your neighbor is. We're all in this together!"
"It's not enough to state the facts," Dean told Jon Stewart, " because the republicans turn it around. We have to get out our message." Which is?
"We're going to re-establish moral values in this country!"
This is all to the best of my recollection. No exact quotes.
NB: There IS an anti-gay reference in Leviticus(Dean couldn't find any in the Bible): 18:22:" Thou shalt not lie with mankind,
as with womankind, it is abomination." But again there's a context thing. Are you then going to obey ALL of Leviticus? There
are echoes of this in Romans 1:27(NT), concerning the apostasy of the gentile world. After that, I'm with Dean. I haven't found others.
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