The neo-con complaints about "activist judges" ring funny in my ear,
since they only seem to use the perjorative term when they don't like
particular rulings. Any old changes to the legal status quo seem to be
fine with them if it serves their political ends.
A big first: The Supreme Court handing the 2000 presidential election to the
candidate their majority favored politically(precluding the full Florida recount,
which reads less than democratic)-- did not disturb any neo-cons one whit.
I know these arguments sound like I'm talking to children, but we have to call
things where we see them, and the use of language is not irrelevant to what's
going on.
My husband Sven particularly enjoyed reading George Orwell's
essay, Politics and Language, out loud the other night in the bath-tub. It concerns
obfuscation and confusion in political speeches and academic writing. But any
kidn of writer would enjoy it, I'm sure.
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