People complain that Dean's angry. Of course he's angry(idea from Bill Maher)! The current administration has done so many atrocious things at home and abroad that you have to write it down(idea from Dean speaking about Tom Delay,
known as the the Hammer for shaking down lobbyists)!
Without speakers like Dean, who has some guts, none of these issues would ever be aired or get sufficiently addressed.
Neo-cons love it that most dems are too civilized to go for the jugular.
FYI: Does anyone know that CBS pupblished an apology for presenting the Dean scream out of context? Unfortunately that apologydid not receive anywhere near the same amount of publicity as the fateful scream. At Dean's concession speech on the night of the Iowa caucus there were many young volunteers in a huge room, making lots of noise, but they were downcast and Dean sought to rally them. His personal mic was turned way up, so that he could be heard over the din, but the din he sought to be heard over, was not heard[ Just ask Marla Liasson(a rare voice of reason, along with Juan williams, on the "fair-and-balanced" Fox News), who was there].
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