Moveon.Org would like the administration to become more accountable, and set up a time-line for withdrawing U.S. troops.
These days it is hard for us to distinguish between really being stuck in Iraq, and being TOLD our presence there is unavoidable.
Moveon worries about US bases becoming permanent in Iraq, and so do I. They would like to turn the training of the Iraqis and general rebuilding of Iraq to the international community.
France, Egypt and a few other places have offered to board and train Iraqis in their own countries. But Bush refused.
His argument against that was, " It wouldn't turn the tide of the war." But that's not the point.
We need to leave Iraq as quickly as is humanely possible, and help from other countries would help quicken the pace a lot.
It makes you wonder if Bush and his people are bent on staying past the time that the Iraqi police are ready.
What happened to, "If you're not with us you're against us?"(the single quote by Jesus in the Bible that I can't quite
support and Bush decideds to choose THAT one for his foreign policy).
I understand Bush might not want to turn the US mission in Iraq over to the UN, paranoid as this particular administration is of the UN having any possible say over something our soldiers are involved in; but refusing all offers of help makes it look like we're not serious.
Accountability, a time-line, and definitely the Resolution to Withdraw U.S. Troops(HJ Res. 55) would be
helpful and not overtly radical statements of intent to get out. Some on the left might even find these
proposed measures not to be strong enough. They would still leave wiggle room for the Army.
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