Friday, August 05, 2005

Al Gore's new channel for 18-34 y.o.'s, CURRENT

We like this new channel, which for us is 103. It has many youthful people doing the audio-video podcasts
which are supposed to help keep everyone in touch with each other. It is not exactly news. It is more
human interest. You can read today's WSJ review on the Taste Page in the Weekend Journal section, but I wouldn't
put a lot of stock in it unless you are about a bizillion years old.

"How many years old?", asks Sven.

A bizillion.

Well, I don't suppose it's the editor's job description to laud Al Gore's latest venture, but sheesh!
We were watching the same channel Eichman was yesterday, but he was so far from getting it.
No, you don't watch it all day, because it apparently does repeat.

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