Washington Wire(wsj) today said some negative things about Obama, as part of a post, "Obama rushes in to save the Democrats".
While I no longer wish to react to wsj daily any more, here it is:
"Maturity is in short supply these days and things are bad. But Obama has been trying to ameliorate them and has had resounding successes he needs to play up more. If you are not ultra-wealthy, the GOP is not on your side. Period. They have more money and will buy TV ads telling you what to think; but if you believe it, then things could get worse than if there actually were an acpocalypse. I'm not sure why the GOP thinks you can have this much inome disparity without serious unrest in the greater population. Look at that riot over housing in Atlanta. Don't you think there are more in the offing?"
-The Long view, big picture, etc.
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