Well, I haven't been reading the papers as much lately. Not sure why. But it has come to
my attention that Bush is supposed to have made some sort of hole-in-one using a motto
along these lines: "We'll bring the troops home when the military decides it's right and not when
some politicians say so." And apparently the democrats went "Oof!" or were supposed to.
By "politicians" Bush refers to Rep. Murtha, Kerry, Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the like. The problem is,
except for Barack Obama, who IS a truly great politician, Bush is much more of a politician
than any of these other democrats.
It is my claim(and some voting rights specialists') that Kerry won the election fairly and Bush stole it;
but no one thinks Kerry is a good politican. He is a sincere and good policy wonk, but few
can understand him well enough to judge his views in detail. Murtha came from the army.
And Nancy can be abrasive. Bush is totally where he is today because he's more of a pol,
and precisely in the cynical sense that he is trying to convey to the amercian people about
the democrats. [He can remember names like nobody's business!]
The democrats I mention above, with their various plans for getting us out of Iraq are politicians
but they're also serious about stopping the victimization of another culture, of our own troops and
of this country's position and good name in the world. W is much more a politician than they; and
that's ALL he is.
What the Army in Iraq really thinks is not clear to me. Murtha hears a lot of discontent; but David Brooks,
a conservative commentator on the Lehrer Report says 55% of them want to stay there. I'm just not
sure by whose poll. All facts are suspect these days. People like Paul Gigot and even Bob Woodward are
lying on TV. So check it out, first!
It's widely believed Murtha wanted to "cut and run"! What he wants to do is withdraw most of the troops
to the perimeter of the country to get them out of the bloodshed, and then send in smaller units to put out
fires within as they arise. Kerry wants to draw troops down slowly. Democrats' positions are routinely
distorted and vilified, for just the reasons Bush claims to be criticzing: politics.
It has also been brought to my atttention that the administration is feeling a bit more chipper now that democrats are
disagreeing with each other. They call it a "split". Well, I say to you(with Barack): Having different opinions is the good
thing about a democracy. Pressuring your whole party(the republicans) to stay "on message" by rote, and not allowing any dissenting voice at town meetings, is the beginnings of fascism and weakmindedness. Might as well be smug that your
enemy at school beat you on a standardized test, because you know the bullies will beat him up.
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